Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hello there!

Hello fashion-lovers!

This being my very first post, I won't really get into the depth of any particular topic. So let me just briefly introduce myself and the blog. Being born and bred in a family of music-lovers, teachers and professionals from the garment & fashion industry, the three are naturally instilled in me. I have an experience in teaching and composing music, but cupid hit me with an arrow that had "fashion" inscribed on it, et voila!

An intern (Stylist) with one of India's leading magazines, I am also into wardrobe makeovers and photography. I'm also a freelance designer and a stylist at Alra (a joint venture with my dear friend, Payal Jaju).

I think music and fashion go hand in hand, and inspiration for both can come from literally anything and/or anyone! For me, fashion is not about big brands, it's about class, beauty and comfort. It's about aesthetics. And lets face it, even the biggest brands DO make tacky stuff!

In my upcoming posts, hopefully, I will gather enough proof to prove that point! :P As of now, that's all from me. Hope to share this love for fashion with as many as possible!
Until next time!


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