Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Countdown # 1 - The Anti-Valentine

Hello hello!

The mushy-forwards-spamming-your-whatsapp-and-random-romeos-grossing-you-out-and-coochie-cooing-couples-overpopulating-all-your-local-cafes day is finally here. Yay. Well let's make the most of it!

Random things to do on Valentine's day, the anti-valentine way!

Watch Star Trek. And feel mushy. While you're watching it. Know that you live in a beautiful world.

Feel inspired, play motivational speaker and make a video counselling the younger generation on love and life and on getting a life.

Dress up like one of the characters from a classic and go out and sing random songs, dedicating them to strangers.

Bake a cake and eat it too.

Make a silly movie and watch it too.

Pick that one friend who's just gone through a bad breakup and slap them.

Tell that friend you just slapped that they deserved it for making a bad choice.

Gift that friend a cupcake (if a girl) or a PSP (if a guy) to make up for the slap if it hurt too bad.

Walk up to a young couple and go "you guys look so cute together, may I click a pic? It's for a blog post". Then tell them "hey, I know your parents. And you know what? I'm going to show them these pictures"...and run away.

Adopt a dog. And take good care of him/her. For life.

Go to a classy resto and go in straight to the washroom. Now shout 'bhoooooot bhooot' and run out.

Look at yourself in the mirror, know how lucky you are to have yourself in your life. Now cry tears of joy.

Narrate ghosts stories to little kids in the neighbourhood and freak them out.

Send me flowers and tell me how much you'll love my posts so I can cry tears of joy.


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